Anthony Bucci

I’m a founder, CEO, brand builder, investor, tech geek, family man and juggernaut. I’m most known for RevZilla. Expect a bit of storytelling, inspiration and insight as my different roles and perspective continue to evolve. I won’t settle and neither should you.

  • In 2016 I was asked to deliver the Drexel Graduation Keynote for the College of Computers and Informatics. An honor, challenge and responsibility for sure.

    It was a big year for RevZilla with a ton of press. Pretty neat to have some new doors flung open.

    My mom wouldn’t stop crying from the front row and I’m not sure if the faculty appreciated some of my easter eggs – but the undergrads seemed to respond well to the “Top 5 Ways to Maximize Their Nerdvantage”. I even had a parent or two high five me on our procession out.

    I begin at about 15:30.

    Very surreal these times we live in….  Did Drexel know that I accidentally hit a 7 iron toward a pickup soccer game from my front porch, once? Maybe not.


  • I am still not quite sure exactly why our landlord loves to star in our RevZillaTV videos, but he continues to oblige us whenever we call – so long as RevZilla’s rent is paid on time.

    This 2011 holiday season Eli starred in a few videos and our latest for RevZilla’s December Deals is one of my personal favorites of all time. Ironically enough, it had the lowest budget and took less than an hour to shoot.

    Happy holidays to everyone out there and those folks who continue to help support, whether by voting with their credit cards, busting their hump as part of TeamZilla or continuing to help guide Matt, Nick and I along the way.

    2011 was big. Even bigger thangs to come in 2012.

    I’ve got a feeling. (…woo hoo).


  • I love customer feedback.

    Great prices and excellent video reviews…keep it up. I took an e-commerce class and my final project was an analysis of…got an “A” thanks


  • After being at the co-helm of a start-up (which is now an emerging business) for the last 3.5 years, I have learned a ton about what I know, what I thought I knew and what I need to learn more about. There are many online resources that I follow and digest daily, as well as some which serve as great reference points on a slew of business topics which are both leading edge and fundamental.

    Since I graduated in ’04, I have always had a twinge of “would an MBA be coming in handy right how” as we have enacted strategies for addressing business elements which we know have been solved by every other company in their comeuppance. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling of reinventing the wheel.

    These days I have more of a comfort level in the fact that over my education and early career I had “learned how to learn”. If I don’t know something, I am confident in my ability to get the answer through a number of channels; the interwebs, my colleagues, advisors, mentors etc. Being secure on that front helps me to sleep a bit better these days.

    One of my favorite daily resources is, the blog of venture capitalist Fred Wilson. It’s a great commentary on the current start-up ecosystem, market trends, investment community and his “MBA Mondays” section continues to be interesting and valuable. The community leaving comments on any of his posts are the icing on the cake.

    My co-founders and I always joke that we are getting the “start-up MBA”. On the fly. On the web. Putting it to use, every day. We are living our own case study.

    It’s thanks to guys like Fred, who are sharing a career worth of knowledge and insight, daily, which continue to make this possible and allow us to learn from his wins and losses, albeit at an arms length. I hope to be able to pay it forward like that at some point. It would also be nice to bump into him and get a chance to say “Thank you” in person as well. The tech entrepreneur world is becoming big and small at the same time. It will probably happen.

    If you still are not sold, they also have Fake Grimlock. Find his comments. Thoughtful and funny. You will laugh. Unless you are unfunny.


  • A friend recently turned me onto StellaService – they are positioning themselves as the Michelin Guide for online retailers. Seeing as “customer experience” is what we believe to be RevZilla’s holy grail, I am eager to get enough nominations for them to take a peek at us – and hopefully shower us with rose petals, adulation and potentially Cristal.

    I also had a chance to chat with one of their co-founders on the phone and ended our conversation thinking they were pretty sharp in their approach to an already crowded space. I wish their company success in the start-up ecosystem.

    If you would like to nominate us I would greatly appreciate it. You can find the RevZilla StellaService nomination page here.


  • I guess the silver lining on the flurry of sales call’s I will be getting soon would probably be RevZilla’s name in “lights” again.

    Even still, its pretty cool to be on the merchant side of things building something that has been deemed noteworthy by an industry I have spent so much of my professional life involved in.

    See the Internet Retailer Hot 100

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