
The Best Customer Feedback RevZilla has Received in 2 years

This is how my Monday morning started this week. I am still grinning. It’s nice when customers really “get it”.

=============== Begin Email ================

FROM: Bill S.
TO: RevZilla Customer Service

Once in a great while, like in almost any circumstance of life, you run across someone or something that’s doing it well.

You feel good about having worked with them.
A collaboration of sorts.

Like a custom set of Snap-On’s box end, open end combinations.
Ta Da.
Revzilla needs to recognized and thanked, and I’m here to do it.
From the word “Go,” I had a smile on my face for the entire marketing trip.
The website is easy to navigate, there’s a price off, and you get it in my hands in a hurry.
Another company includes 2 day delivery in their price, recognizing that the purchase high is starting to wane at that point.
Putting the product in the customer’s hands at that point, extends the enjoyment of the purchase.
OK, I’m off my soap box.
Follow-up (some inaccurately call this post sale or back room) was beyond its pedestrian duties of taking the money and putting the product in the consumer’s hands;
Would that be called the actual, instant of the sale ?
Sometimes, we forget the sale takes place at the point of exchange.
Where the rubber meets the road, even.
Many organizations, on-line and off, never get the shiny side up.
They leave the customer ambivalent, at best, at the end of the sale.
No loyalty is created.
It takes so much money to make that first sale, it’s cheap at almost any price now to make that customer come back.
Revzilla is doing that.
My gosh, you’ve even got admirers for the way you’re handling yourselves!
You even go right to having the product either drop shipped or coming directly from a mechanized warehouse, I would suppose, with minimal handling and in mfr. wrap.
However you do it, it’s delivered in an acceptable range of days.
It’s certainly a psychological distance from over a week (8 – 10).
Now cap that off with an icing of Olympia packaging.
Better than the norm.
It looks good even in the box.
The folding adds to the selling of the product.
The included hangers will continue to advertise Olympia from the closet, every time the door is opened, for years.
This is a far cry from pulling it off a rack in a store, and dealing with a clerk that is working to get discount pricing.
The requisite “Thank You” note is 8 1/2 X 11 no less.
You’re serious about this.
You mean it.
But, sales.
My memory of it is nothing.
An example to be emulated.
Thinking back, I can’t remember a time I was sped along so quickly to the sale.
The guy I worked with, not even ordered from, worked with. . . .
Have him teach how he does it.
You’ve got this marketing thing dialed in.
From here out, it’s fine tuning.
The tough part.
You’ve done the first 80, no, 86 % percent so well.
Now, it gets tough, but, you guys are so far ahead of the curve already.
My advice to you is to hold onto your hats.
You really see the customer as more than a number.
Maybe you got some of the good Markeing MBA’s, those that go behind the research and numbers, get out from behind the screen.
I just wanted to tell you Revzilla’s on track.
You’re a breath of fresh air in the on-line retailing business.
Thank you for the transaction.


=================== End Email ==================

No, thank you, Bill. You made my day.


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