Thoughts on Raising Capital

I recently got an email from a founder / CEO I know who is thinking about raising substantial growth capital to accelerate his company. I’m not formally involved with the company in any way, nor are they local.

He was looking for some help in evaluating potential financial partners and trying to refine his decision-making criteria to include some of the less obvious.

I love that he led with what he didn’t know and used his “ask the audience” at a moment when it really mattered. I have seen so many people not do this, and waste the wisdom of the credible and experienced people who could help them get it right. Pride always has a cost. More on that another day.

Relating to the topic at hand, we never raised outside money with RevZilla. We bootstrapped because we could and the cost/benefit of raising never made sense. We were a happy independent anomaly that never made Tech Crunch and that’s totally cool. 🙂

I have, however, been close or arm’s length to a handful of companies that have raised over the last decade and I have been a voracious reader of many of the (good) early-stage beacons who proliferate in the blogosphere for as long as I can remember.

In my responses, I assume that the need-to-raise calculus has already been done, but if my interaction with this founder was via phone or in-person meeting, I’d be starting one level up with “What does this buy you that you can’t do already? Speed, talent, runway, etc. Essentially, are you sure you really need it?” Just an outside gut check, not a second guess, by any means.

The other question I’d ask is from founder to founder: “How does this round of financing impact the ability to have a meaningful financial outcome for you and your team? The goal posts move and your personal choices can narrow with each raise. ”

My email responses to “How do I ensure I get the right partner?” were as follows:

>> end email <<

The complete list is most likely longer, but this was my 10-minute gut check. I’d also wager that founders who’ve raised 2-3+ rounds or at different startups would have even more nuanced texture to add.

If you are a founder thinking about raising capital at any stage, understand your cost/benefit and do as much diligence as you can muster. There is an inherent cost of outside money that affects so many things and an even greater cost of raising capital from the wrong avenue.

Much has been written about the topic by a pantheon of great VCs and a slew of founders who have landed on both sides of fate’s wheel. The education is out there. Spend the necessary cycles and time to get it. It’s free. You have no excuse.


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